Literacy Charities & Organisations
International Aid Organisations
Our findings underpin the World Bank’s 10-year strategy for Ending Learning Poverty (also here, here, and here) Professor Rastle is an Advisor to the World Bank as they seek to implement evidence-based reading instruction across the developing world. She frequently gives keynotes at major events attracting global agencies including UNESCO and in conferences organised by the Gates Foundation, World Bank, UNICEF and Save the Children (see also here).
Literacy Charities
Our research has informed understanding in dyslexia charities in the USA (Decoding Dyslexia), UK, and Australia and has been discussed in parent forms including MomsRising (1 million members). It's informing the work of organisations such as Reading is Fundamental, Collaborative Classroom, and the United Educators for Housing and Literacy interested in improving outcomes for children. Professor Rastle spoke about our work for the Dyslexia-SPELD Foundation.
Educational Leadership
Our research has been cited by major educational leadership organisations including English & Media Centre (UK), Thinking Reading (UK), Education Endowment Foundation (UK), Centre for Literacy in Primary Education (UK), Teacher Development Trust (UK), Whiteboard Advisors (USA), Kappan (USA), The Literacy Group (USA), Collaborative Classroom, the ASCD (USA), the Thomas B. Fordham Institute (USA; see also here), AERO (Australia), Little Learners Love Literacy (Australia), AUSPELD (Australia), Jet Education Services (Africa), eTale Africa. Our work has also informed Deans for Impact (USA), an organisation working alongside 60 teacher training programmes that reach over 10,000 trainee teachers each year.